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Sunday 18 December 2022, 10:00am - 05:00pm
Hits : 745
by This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Memorial Service – 81st Anniversary of the Sinking of HMS NEPTUNE 
Sunday 18 December 2022, 1000
St Christopher’s Chapel, Devonport Naval Base
Rig: 1BW (negative swords)
A memorial service to remember the sinking of HMS Neptune will be held at St Christopher’s on Sunday 18 December at 1000.  I know there are some members of the Ngapona Association who like to attend this service.
As in previous years, there are opportunities to be involved in the service.  As the base is still quietly opening up, we are just going for the ‘simple but meaningful’ approach with the service.  We always need ode reciters and readers though.
There will be morning tea following the service.  It would be helpful if we had an idea of numbers, so RSVPs to this address would be appreciated. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
On 19 December 1941, HMS Neptune sank after hitting a mine off the coast of Tripoli in the Mediterranean.  All but one of the 764 personnel aboard lost their lives.  Amongst the crew were 150 New Zealanders, many of whom were reservists.  This event represents the largest loss of New Zealand life at sea and forms a significant event in the history of our Navy and especially of our Naval Reserve.